If everyday ran smoothly we'd really be living a "fairytale life" because in reality even a prince or princess has a bad day. Yes, problems are a part of life and eventually every human being is faced with one of life's big stresses.
Let the simple things make you happy!
One big stress is having to move from your dwelling place no matter if it's a castle or a small studio apartment. In my case it's a small studio that I'm moving from but that small studio apartment has been my little sanctuary for the best four years. I've had all my essentials under one tiny roof; a fireplace to keep me warm on a cold winter's night, a modern kitchen to do all my baking and cooking, my very own bathroom, a corner space to sleep on a queen size bed with a ceiling fan, a small area to exercise, a storage unit, and access to a small backyard. Yes, I've really loved my cozy apartment in a quiet and safe neighborhood.
The emotional and physical stress of having to move has made me catch a cold and even though I wasn't feeling good today I had to go to work. My boyfriend was kind to take me to work and buy me a cup of lemon ginger tea but as soon as I arrived at work the cup of tea came crashing down from where I placed it and spilled all over the floor. Unfortunately there was no place I could go to get another tea. My ears and nose were numb and I had trouble breathing but I did my best to make it through the day. When I came back home I had a pile of things that needed to be done but my head was to foggy to think and I fell into a deep sleep and forgot all about my frustrations.

Sometimes life brings challenges. It's taken me weeks to find a new place to live and I've finally managed to find a temporary place to live for three months and through it all I've had "bad days" but no matter how bad the day may seem there's something good and beautiful in each day that we live whether it's hearing the birds sing, seeing a child smile, getting a call from a friend, finding the perfect parking spot or getting a complimentary cup of coffee at the local market
Music Heals!
In our moments of life they'll be bad days and good days, the most important thing is to be grateful for the good moments that life brings us from day to day.