Thursday, March 17, 2022

Left Over Food, Moments!

On Monday, late afternoon my friend and I got two large cheesy bread orders from a local pizzeria. I remember going up to the counter to pay for my order and thinking, "Wow, $25.00 for this meal seems like a lot of money." Today is Thursday and I've changed my mind. I was able to have 5 meals from those two large cheesy breads. My friend had two meals out of them and I had three. Four sauces were included with our cheesy bread too. The reason I feel fortunate today is because I had a long day at work and when I got home I was hungry. I remember putting some of the cheesy bread that lacked cheese on it in a storage bag and wanting to feed the birds but instead I warmed up a pan with olive oil and grilled the leftover bread. I sprinkled some cheese on top and dipped the bread in marinara sauce and thoroughly enjoyed every bite of my meal.

Sometimes we fret about mistakes we think we've made but now I have no regrets because that $25.00 meal on Monday ended up costing only $5.00 per meal since it turned into five meals. Food has gotten so expensive lately that food budgeting is becoming my new trend. Oh yes we all love to splurge on comfort drinks and food, that's what makes life enjoyable but it's also wise to be mindful and cut some corners here and there so that you can really enjoy those indulgent moments you deserve.

Yesterday I bought a ready made large vegetarian burrito at the natural foods store for $8.99. I was able to have three meals out of that. Hooray!!!!

What leftover foods do you enjoy?

                               This is what became of my leftover Cheesy Bread! Pretty Tasty!

Luck of the Irish Moments, Celebrating Saint Patricks Day, March 17th!

It comes every year, March 17th, the day to celebrate Saint Patricks Day with music, parades, parties, drinking, eating, and wearing green.  There are over 70 million people worldwide who claim Irish heritage so the joyful celebration is enjoyed in many countries. IRELAND, the Emerald Isle with enchanting beauty is a country famous for many things; Leprechauns, Shamrocks, Guinness Beer, Irish Coffee, Irish Whiskey, Music, Riverdance, Genius riters, Farms with Cows and Sheep, Amazing Cheese, Ice Cream, Beef Stew, Soda Bread, Shepherds Pie, Salmon, Corned Beef, Cabbage, and more. When it comes to scenery, Ireland has it all from the ocean waters to the towering cliffs, to lush farmland and majestic mountains, crystal clear lakes, and winding country roads with charming villages in each county. Yes, the Irish certainly are lucky. 

I've been to Ireland twice, the first time I travelled solo through Dublin, Dingle Peninsula, Killarney National Park,  and the Ring of Kerry. I stayed at an adorable and affordable hostel/bed and breakfast and felt right at home. The second time around, I worked in County Clare on Sunrise Farm which was an amazing experience. Yes, I too love Ireland. But the important question today since it's March 17th, Saint Patricks Day, is who was Saint Patrick?


Patrick was born in Britain to wealthy parents near the end of the fourth century. He is believed to have died on the 17th of March around 460 A.D.  At the age of 16, Patrick was taken away by a group of Irish raiders who were attacking his family's estate. He was transported to Ireland where he spent six years in captivity. During his captivity it is believed that Patrick began dreaming of converting the Irish people to Christianity because he was lonely and afraid, turning to religion for solace and becoming a devout Christian. He eventually escaped back to Britain but he experienced a revelation where an angel told him to return to Ireland as a missionary. Patrick began religious training which lasted 15 years and after his ordination as a priest he returned to Ireland with a mission to minister Christianity to the Irish people. Patrick spread Christianity throughout the whole island. Saint Patrick is well known as being one of the patron saints of Ireland and he is still honored to this very day.

If you're celebrating Saint Patrick Day moments today, enjoy the day and honor Ireland, a country that is loved by millions of people around the world. Happy Saint Patricks Day! ☘☘☘☘☘☘

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Cupcake Moments!

CUPCAKE: A small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and typically iced. When you make cupcakes you mix up cake batter and instead of baking it in large pans, pour it into a cupcake or muffin pan. Cupcakes are wonderful for celebrations and are a popular dessert with kids and adults.

After church service today I went downstairs to the piano room in hope of practicing but instead I found a large table filled with all kinds of cupcakes. Minutes later folks gathered in line to enjoy cupcakes, donuts, and coffee. Those cupcakes caught my eye immediately and I couldn't resist taking a picture of them before they were snatched. I grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to a table to sit down. It was so relaxing to sit and watch kids anxiously heading back and forth to the table for more cupcakes and donuts. About a half hour later everyone slowly left and I headed to the piano room to play some songs but I couldn't stop thinking about those  CUPCAKES!

Although eating too many desserts is unhealthy, an occasional dessert surely brings a smile to those who love the sweetness of something as wonderful as cupcakes. CUPCAKES are more popular than ever and in the United States cupcake shops are popping up in big cities and small towns moment after moment. What is it about cupcakes that make them so irresistible? 


1)  There are so many flavors! What's your favorite flavor?

2)  Portion Control! Cupcakes are fairly small, so less guilt.

3)  They're so Pretty! Oh yes, cupcakes are so pleasing to the eyes!

4)  It's an Economical Treat! Compared to other desserts, cupcakes are pretty affordable.

5)  They're Easy to Make! Check out hundreds of recipes on the internet!

6)  The Frosting! Mmmh, frosting! The frosting is amazing!

7)  They're Irresistible! Let's face most adults and kids can't resist eating a cupcake or two.

Now that I'm inspired so much by cupcakes, I think I'll make some and share them with the homeless people in the community. Cupcakes do have a way of putting a smile on people's faces.  Here's to  "Cupcake Moments!

Icy Moments

When we think of WINTER, we think of cold dark days and snow but there's another thing that WINTER comes with and that's ICE. There are wonderful things associated with the word ice; ice coffee, ice cubes, ice cream, ice fishing, and ice skating. However when ice accumulates and freezes up walking paths, parking lots, trails, sidewalks, and streets, that's another matter.

Although "WINTER" is coming to a close, these past couple months in northern Michigan have been icy, icy, icy. So icy that many Michiganders have found themselves falling on ice. Let me tell you falling on ice is not only embarrassing but it's painful too. Some folks even end up in the hospital with broken bones concussions, and terrible cuts and bruises. I too fell on ice. A week ago this past Friday, I was heading to a stream to look at the ducks and boom, I slipped and fell on my back, buttocks, neck, and after another, boom, boom, boom. Thankfully I got up without any broken bones but the next day my back and neck hurt, as did my head. There's still soreness on my body, and my head hurts on and off again so now I'm petrified to walk on or around ice. (Ski poles are now my support system). My two friends who are nurses described symptoms to look for before heading to an emergency room or urgent care, after falling on ice. So far, I've avoided "Urgent Care."

If you live someplace where there's harsh winter and ice galore, be careful. In just moments a simple walk outdoors can turn into catastrophe when that slippery ice makes us lose balance and fall. Always carry your phone with you when you're walking outdoors in the winter. It's always best to be cautious and safe because if you fall and get hurt, your phone is available to make a call for help!

If you live where it's still winter, HAPPY WINTER! Enjoy the beautiful moments that winter does bring like cross country and down hill skiing, ice skating, sledding, snowshoeing, snowboarding, sitting near the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa, or eating comfort food like homemade chili.

May your moments be blessed with all good things!

Friday, March 4, 2022

COMPETITION, is Part of Life!

COMPETITION, it's all around us. There's competition in school, work, sports, relationships, heck even animals compete for food, and a mate. Now more than ever, competition seems even harder with social media and comparisons. It's so hard to stand out and be a shining star. Some people get lots of appreciation and attention, while others are just a tiny dot in this big vast world. No wonder some of get depressed and insecure. But we don't have to let completion control us. We can find contentment in being happy with the small things, like being satisfied that at least we tried our best. Success comes in all shapes and sizes. One doesn't have to be a famous politician, movie star, or sports figure to feel important. All of us are part of the big puzzle that keep the world ticking.

If you're feeling defeated, just know that there's always an opportunity out there. Sooner or later, you'll have that chance to be a bright shining star in the vast sky. Recently I have been overwhelmed by social comparison by thinking to myself, "I wish I was beautiful like her", "I wish I could be as intelligent as him or her,"Oh, if only I could have an exciting life and romance like this couple does." However the more I talk to people who I believe have a charmed life the more I learn that all humans no matter how successful they are in the world's eyes, face hurt, pain, rejection, and insecurities sooner or later. They key to contentment is not to be in COMPETITION or to SOCiALLY COMPARE yourself to others but to find happiness in the gifts you have and to use them to the fullest. In the Bible, there's a scripture in Matthew 25 about the "Parable of Talents." Yes, life will bring plenty of disappointments and rejections but there are also triumphs.


 In the fall of 2020, I was promoted to the position of supervisor where I work. The current manager was constantly missing work and so I filled in for her many times, with no extra pay or bonuses. I went beyond my call of duty and received very little recognition. My company management hardly noticed my devotion but the store director where I was working out of noticed me. I wasn't even employed by his company but he took notice of all I did in his store and thanked me for it. Those words of encouragement meant the world to me but I was still hurt that the company I work for simply didn't care. Thank goodness it's an employees market out there because I would love to work elsewhere at this point.

Last year "GERALD" was hired as a sales advisor at my company. Gerald soon became the shining star. He was given an award for "Employee of the Month,"got promoted two days ago to a lead position, and has received all kinds of recognition cards on the office door praising him for all his awesome work. Gerald is so perfect that I feel it's mu duty to step down from my position and let him take over. After all I've done for the company I'm no longer needed because a new event manager was hired to take over the office and she loves Gerald and is constantly putting him on a pedestal. Does he deserve it? Yes, because he's always kind and helpful, and knows how to impress the manager. I'm happy for Gerald, I really am. I even told him that he'd be better as a supervisor than I am.

So you see it doesn't matter if you're an accountant, doctor, lawyer, or movie star, COMPETITION is everywhere. To keep on going we have to be happy for others and find contentment within ourselves to plant ourselves where we feel needed, happy, and wanted!



  Responsibilities keep piling up, so much to do and sometimes not enough time to get everything done and that's why we as humans need &...