Thursday, May 21, 2020

Honoring the Canadian Geese

                                They may be cute, but beware of Canadian Geese!

It makes sense that Canadian Geese flock to a place I live called"The Shores" condo complex located on Lake Michigan Bay. They have a large bay, with connecting creek's and it's the perfect spot to bring baby goslings into the world. Water, water, everywhere and those geese love it. There's only one challenge. Geese aren't fond of human beings so everyday I have to alter and adapt to staying out of their way or else I'll get a big scream from them and even a few bites. I'm so scared of Canadian geese these days that I do everything in my power to be at least 200 yards away from them.

The other day I was heading to my favorite spot to sit and do some reading. Guess who was there? The Canadian I had to find another area to sit and read. No problem, but minutes later they decided to navigate towards where I was sitting and I had to move as not to upset them.Everyday, I have to revolve the way I maneuver through the grounds as not to get in their way. It's always refreshing when the ducks and seagulls appear because they're gentle waterfowl creatures and they appreciate any treats I might offer them. I wouldn't do that with the Canadian geese because I try to stay at least 300 feet from them as not to get harmed.

Am I crazy for having a fear of Canadian geese? No, I don't like to have moments of anxiety and stress, so I avoid them at all costs. In fact "You Tube" has quite a few uploads of people's encounters with geese and some of them aren't pleasant to look at.

Yes, Canadian geese are GOD'S creatures and they deserve to enjoy life like all animals and waterfowl, so I have no choice but to honor them and respect their privacy and keep my distance.As if social distancing from humans hasn't been enough, now I'm social distancing from Canadian geese. But....thanks to ducks and seagulls that also flock here, I'm forever grateful because they're much more gentle and appreciative of human beings.

Hello Canadian Geese.....can you hear me? Please try to be nicer. I have no intention of harming you or your precious babies, please try to share the grounds here at "The Shores" with dignity.

Nature brings us precious moments but beware of those Canadian Geese!

I shall continue to honor and respect GEESE!


  Responsibilities keep piling up, so much to do and sometimes not enough time to get everything done and that's why we as humans need ...