JULY, most Americans love the month of July. It's the month to celebrate Independence Day (4th of July), a time for fireworks, family vacations and picnics at the beach. July, the month when days are long and days carefree. July, when kids are off from school and everything gets crowded from the amusement parks to the restaurants. For some people JULY is extraordinary. There are those that have summer homes on lakes, oceans, or in the mountains. There are those that own yachts and sail the waters. Some people just have a jolly good time in JULY.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
July, the Busiest Summer Month is Over!
JULY, most Americans love the month of July. It's the month to celebrate Independence Day (4th of July), a time for fireworks, family vacations and picnics at the beach. July, the month when days are long and days carefree. July, when kids are off from school and everything gets crowded from the amusement parks to the restaurants. For some people JULY is extraordinary. There are those that have summer homes on lakes, oceans, or in the mountains. There are those that own yachts and sail the waters. Some people just have a jolly good time in JULY.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Rarely Off on Tuesday! (Today's the Miracle Tuesday)
TUESDAY, not a day most people yearn for as a day off. Usually it's Saturdays and Sundays that are the preferred days off. But the reason I like getting Tuesdays off is because there's a group of women who meet at the church around the corner from where I live to have bible study. It's such a wonderful two plus hours of worshiping the Lord, reading the Bible and other spiritual books. We sip on cups of coffee during study and afterwards there's always a homemade meal made by Mary who leads the study.
Not since late May have I been able to attend this weekly Bible Study. It just doesn't seem to work out to have Tuesday off. What's today? Tuesday of course. So once again I have to miss out on something that is so special to me. Things don't always work out the way we want them to and that's just part of life.
As I write this a wonderful thing has just happened, the manager on duty where I work just texted me to tell me I can have today off. GOD has opened the door for me to attend Bible Study with Mary. I'm so happy! At last, a Tuesday off!
Speaking of Tuesdays, please read a book called "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom, a book about a young man, an old man, and life's greatest lesson.
It's the 27th of July and I can finally go to Bible Study on Tuesday!
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Sometimes all you need is some ICE CREAM!
Work is called work for a reason. It's not all fun and games and has its moments of frustration, pressure, and stress. That's how my day felt on Saturday when no matter what I tried to do, it wasn't good enough. I wanted to quit and leave the whole place behind. When my 8 hours were finished I was so happy. When I returned home I made myself a sandwich and went outdoors to sit near the lake. My stress began to melt away but what I yearned for to really cheer me up was some ice cream.
Ice Cream....it's summer and almost everyone wants ice cream. I needed ice cream so I got on my bicycle and just rode and rode the trail until I made it to the Dairy Queen. The place was packed, a long line of ice cream enthusiasts wanting their dessert. I just couldn't wait that long, oh if only I had just got an ice cream cone at the market near my condo BUT they didn't have much flavors. No worries, my final stop was CULVER'S fast food restaurant known for their famous custard and ice cream desserts. No waits, and tons of flavors to choose from. I opted for the vanilla flavor mixed with brownie bites and raspberries. Moments after I placed my order, a tall cup of my ice cream was ready. I went outside and ate it a spoonful at a time. So delicious, and refreshing and since I rode my bicycle five miles to CULVER'S I didn't feel guilty at all about my indulgence.
A bad day at work BUT a wonderful ice cream treat made up for it! If you have a frustrating day sometimes all you need is some ICE CREAM to cheer you up! After all what's summer without some ICE CREAM?
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
A Fourth of July Church Picnic!
"It's when we don't have expectations that life brings us a pleasant surprise"
Last 4th of July was hard to top. Even though it was the peak of a horrible pandemic of covid-19, I was invited to a gorgeous home on Torch Lake belonging to a rich family. (The only reason I was invited was because an acquaintance of mine whose a realtor said he could bring a guest to the party and he chose me as his guest). To my surprise everyone at the party was friendly and gregarious. I brought some homemade brownies to the party (which was a great idea since nobody brought dessert).What a grand time we had despite the Covid precautions. We drank craft beer, ate delicious food, and took a boat ride on majestic Torch Lake to see the famous sandbar, and went swimming. Lou, the man who owned the gorgeous home and hosted the 4th of July gathering with his wife and daughter was so pleasant. He worked hard to become a successful business owner and he deserves owning four homes, (one of them is in South Africa). Although I felt unworthy of being there since I'm extremely unsuccessful, that particular day was special. I was able to experience what life is life for those that are wealthy.
This summer, 2021 with things getting back to almost normal I wasn't invited to any gathering. Instead I headed to church for a holy liturgy at "Archangel Greek Orthodox Church." Shortly after service was over, I went to help in the garden and when I returned to the church to wash my hands in the bathroom I encountered Father Ciprian, the priest. We talked for a few minutes and than Father Ciprian told me I was welcome to join the impromptu picnic out back. What a delightful surprise. I accepted the invitation and went to the back patio where a large picnic table was set up. A woman named Beatrice was in front of the grill warming up brats and hot dogs. Views of the lovely East Bay blended perfectly with the rolling farmland and one couldn't have asked for a more peaceful place to celebrate the 4th of July.
Father Ciprian said a prayer and then a group of us, kids included feasted on a variety of foods. It wasn't about the food for me though, I was thrilled to have people to socialize with on a 4th of July day when most people do just that, gather with others to celebrate "Independence Day in America." I thanked Father Ciprian for inviting me to be part of this fun filled gathering and now I have such sweet memories. Although that 4th of July gathering last year at Lou's million dollar home on Torch Lake was a one of a kind experience that I'll never forget, I felt more at home at this Fourth of July church picnic it was plain and simple with no need to impress anyone and that's what best for an unsuccessful person like myself.
Hoping everyone had brilliant, incredible, marvelous moments on their July 4th Day and that something unexpected brightens your day; today, tomorrow, and often!
The Church Garden that Feeds the Poor!
On Sunday, the 4th of July I rode my bicycle through the countryside up a steep road to Archangel Greek Orthodox Church. By vehicle the church is close but by bicycle it takes longer. I was already off to a late start and knew I was going to enter the church late. On that humid Sunday morning wearing my flowered dress and hat I walked inside the church and was immediately greeted by Anya. "So glad you're here dear," said Anya to which I replied "But I'm so late and I'm so sorry about arriving late." Anya didn't judge me at all for my lateness. Instead she gave me a warm welcome hug, and handed me a liturgical book. "We're glad you're here and please don't have any guilty feelings for being late. All that matters is that you've made it to the liturgy service,"said Anya.
Rather than going to an amusement park, parade, or watch a band play patriotic music, I sat inside the church listening to the holy service filled with divinity on the 4th of July morning. After the service some of us gathered in the dining hall, a place reserved to have coffee and food after service. Since the pandemic this was a big "no" but the 4th of July was officially the day that socializing in the dining hall was approved. To celebrate a few of the best bakers made some heavenly treats, apple cinnamon tarts, and European cookies. Absolutely delicious.
After filling my stomach I headed over the church garden where I ran into Marie who was busy picking big bunches of kale out of the garden. "May I help?" I asked. Marie immediately accepted my offer and within seconds I was directed to the pepper patch to pick ripe peppers. That church garden is there to feed the poor. Everyday in the warm months someone from the church goes to the garden to fill bags of fresh grown vegetables and donate them to community food banks. Sunday was Marie's day to get food from the garden and I was so happy to assist her. Marie told me I was welcome to come to the garden anytime I wished to donate to a food bank I was familiar with. How wonderful to know that the church garden feeds the poor and that I can go to the garden on any given day and pick vegetables from the garden to take to a food bank.
Attending service at The Archangel Greek Orthodox Church was the highlight of my 4th of July, not only was the service moving and uplifting but I felt like I was among family. The best part is that I've discovered The Church Garden that Feeds the Poor and can go their often to fill baskets and bags of food to take to the community food banks. Remember that sometimes the most heartwarming moments in our life is when we can help and serve others!
Fresh picked strawberries from the garden!MOMENTS OF BLISS DIVINE!
Responsibilities keep piling up, so much to do and sometimes not enough time to get everything done and that's why we as humans need ...

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This afternoon I stopped into a Starbucks and asked for a sample of the new "Blond Roast." I was expecting just a tiny cup sample ...
After attending a lovely morning Christmas service and heart-warming community church meal I decided to take a bicycle ride through the coun...