Friday, November 29, 2013

Thankful on Thanksgiving

Most Americans get together on Thanksgiving Day to eat a meal around the table and count their blessings but I always enjoys helping others less fortunate during this particular holiday.The last few years I've been helping serve food on Thanksgiving to those who can't afford food or don't have family or friends to share Thanksgiving with. It always feels good to do something good for someone without expecting anything in return.

What I've learned from those less fortunate is that I need to express "gratitude" everyday for the things I do have. A few days ago this lesson was reinforced to me when I attended a church service honoring "Thanksgiving." The pastor gave a beautiful sermon on being thankful for even the simplest of things like being able to drink a cup of water or having a bed to sleep on.
After her heartfelt sermon all of us were asked to fill out the attached blank card in our programs and answer these two questions; "

#1  Which of your talent and skills can you offer to this world in a sincere way?

#2  What are some of the blessings in your life to be thankful for?

Afterwards everyone put their answers into a big basket in front of the church and remained silent for many moments reflecting. Then the pastor had everyone get up to sing a song of praise and ended the service by telling everyone "Let's express gratitude everyday for the things we have and share our talents to serve others." Happy Thanksgiving!

I wish anyone reading this post blessings of happiness, health, and love.

H A P P Y     T H A N K S G I V I N G

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