How are you fairing during these strange times? Some countries like Canada, Jordan, and Norway seem to be doing quite well compared to the United States during the coronavirus pandemic. There are some American's that are hardly affected by the current crisis, they have their elaborate homes, plenty of food, and their high income is still going strong. Maybe they can't have a large party gathering at their home, or take an annual vacation to countries like Bermuda, Italy, Greece, Peru, South Africa, or Tahiti (to name a few). This of course is disappointing to them but not as disappointing as those that really are suffering. There are the poor souls that are homeless, starving, or dying from COVID-19.
GRATUTDE is what to strive for during these uncertain times because no matter how tough times are there's something to be thankful for. I have a few examples below.
I'm thankful for the air I breathe.
I'm thankful for my senses.
I'm thankful for the sun.
I'm thankful for family and friends.
I'm thankful for a bed to sleep on.
I'm thankful for the birds and the trees.
I'm thankful for shelter.
I'm thankful for food.
I'm thankful that I can walk.
It's amazing how in one given day I hear about a single parent starving themselves on very limited income so they can feed their child. This parent is full of humility and grateful that they have a child and they go beyond and above to provide for that only child so that the child doesn't go hungry. On the other side of the coin is an entitled couple who walks around with their heads up high. They have high paying jobs during the pandemic,, healthy children, and own three properties, yet they have no consideration of others.They have loud barbecues on the complex, play different outdoor games and their spoiled children scream throughout the day and demand that they want this and that right now. This family can make noise, and disturb others on the property but if anybody else makes a slight noise in the condo complex this couple will reprimand them for making noise. Time for some ego deflation folks. It's not fair that you have it so good.
Yes, life isn't fair. The world will always have their HAVE'S and HAVE NOT'S. It's a mystery why one person lives a rather charmed life while another has tragedy and setbacks consistently. There's no answer to this puzzle. People say "life is what you make it." but it's funny that this statement often comes from those that have it pretty darn good.
It doesn't matter how hard one works. I was a devoted employee at my company, rarely requesting time off and always showing up and going beyond my call of duty. Others took extended vacations, refused to work certain days, and slacked off on the job and they're the ones who got the glorious appreciation from management and they're getting their unemployment benefits without a hitch while mine has been on stop payment for weeks.
I haven't been able to enjoy my car because my supposed boyfriend is always driving it. He leaves me stranded and claims that since I have asthma I shouldn't be around people due to the spreading of coronavirus. How ridiculous. Instead I've been relying on the bus and my bicycle to get me around and now I have an aching STYE in my good eye which has been painful and bothersome for five days. I'm tiered of being unemployed especially with no income.
Well, everything happens for a reason. I think SETBACKS are good. In fact I think every human being should have setbacks because we need more humble people in this world and less entitled people. If only there were more people with HUMILITY on this earth. LIFE is a roller coaster of up's and down's so those that are riding high, enjoy because what goes up must come down. That's just how life works for everyone, even multi millionaires.
WISHING EVERYONE ALL THE BEST DURING THESE BIZARRE TIMES! I personally think it's an awful time in life and that the only healing thing is NATURE. THANK GOD for NATURE.
I want to be like the birds who roam freely and enjoy MOTHER EARTH. They don't worry too much about where they'll find food and shelter and GOD takes care of them.
No matter if it's the best of times or the worst of times, there's always something to be thankful for.GRATITUDE is so important right now. GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE Ignore the entitled and selfish folks and focus on the good in life. I BELIEVE that some day those that have little will be given more and those that have too much and boast will be given less.
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