Thursday, December 31, 2020
Goodbye to 2020 with a walk in the darkness, a visit to a lighted church, and a pot of tea on a table with some midnight cake!
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, "God Bless Us Everyone"
A CHRISMTAS CAROL (God Bless Us Everyone)
ENGLAND has many exceptional writers; one being Charles Dickens who wrote the Christmas classic, "A Christmas Carol." First published in England on December 19, 1843, (177 years ago) "A Christmas Carol" remains the most popular of Christmas stories. Every decade a new film version of "A Christmas Carol" is released and each year there are hundreds upon hundreds of stage performances of "A Christmas Carol" presented in various countries around the world.
There's so much to learn when reading or watching "A Christmas Carol," One can observe how much brighter life is when a person offers kindness towards others and helps those in need. Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserable rich man who has no respect for Christmas and its meaning but the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future teach Mr. Scrooge some valuable lessons. The ending of course is wonderful because Ebenezer Scrooge becomes a changed man and spends his remaining life sharing his good fortune with family, friends, and strangers. He gives with his soul, strength, and mind.
December is coming to a close, and soon the Christmas celebrations will be put on hold until next year, but one should not wait to share the love of Christmas, just at Christmas time. For the new year of 2021, why not take some moments each day to be grateful for what you have, and spread the joy of goodness, kindness, and love towards others. Life is not always easy and has its share of sorrows, but life is certainly more of a shining light when we have faith, hope, love, and kindness towards one another. Mr. Scrooge should inspire us all and so should sweet Tiny Tim who says God Bless Us Every One!
Friday, December 25, 2020
Cherish the Birth of Jesus Christ!
Today, the 25th of December we honor the birth of Jesus who was born long ago in Bethlehem The angel who appeared to the shepherd the night of Jesus birth around c. 5 BC, said "I bring you good news that will cause great joy for the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the LORD." Luke 2: 10-11
How much more beautiful life is when we have faith and hope. With GOD all things are possible. When we celebrate Christmas, we're not only attending church services, gifting presents, singing carols, or sharing a festive meal with friends, and family, we are honoring GOD for coming down to rescue us from darkness and deliver us from a sinful world.
Let's cherish the birth of Jesus Christ and be thankful that the savior of the world is here to guide us and draw us near to him.
Merry Christmas......Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Hail the heav'n born Prince of Peace, Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings, Ris'n with healing in His wings.
Mild he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new born King!
Sunday, December 13, 2020
The Christmas Journey
Every year in December, a church in my community called "New Hope" puts on an outdoor play, "Christmas Journey."Hundreds of people attend the weekend performances where actors are dressed in period costumes and live animals like camel, donkeys, goats, and sheep appear in the scenes. Although the coronovirus has kept me social distanced from activities I did feel led to appear in at least one performance of the CHRISTMAS JOURNEY this year. I arrived at the church at 4:30 pm to get my costume and meet some of the cast members. The pastor prayed with us and we all headed outdoors to our sets. My scene took place in Bethlehem and I portrayed one of the peasants.
For two and a half hours I acted out my part next to the darling goats, observing the visitors on the trail who were touched by the meaning of Christmas experienced through this journey. In between scenes trail angels came with hot cocoa, sandwiches, bottled water, and cookies to keep us energetic. Afterwards Pastor Rick thanked each of us for contributing to the success of 6 wonderful shows.
It's moments like these that bring purpose to life. Being surrounded by animals, bonfires, pine trees, a talented cast of actors, and a devout audience make this whole journey a true blessing. JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.
THANKSGIVING was over two weeks ago. Preparing for it and celebrating with my loved ones kept me so busy that I never got to my blog, BUT it's never too late. In fact, reflecting on that day is as vivid as just made stuffing. I was so happy to have Wednesday off so that I could cook some dishes ahead like butternut squash soup, broccoli casserole, sweet potatoes, and pecan pie. My poor Mother who has Alzheimer's can no longer cook which is sad because she was once one of the best cooks on the planet. My mother's caregiver Cecelia invited me to spend the night, so together we cooked up a few others dishes to serve for our festive meal.
On Thanksgiving Day, I spent the day at my mother's condo with Cecelia, my brother, and our pets Mila, the dog, and Sari the cat. It was all so simple and sweet. The greatest gift of course was having my Mother to share the holiday with. All of us enjoyed the bountiful delicious meal. My brother contributed the turkey and stuffing, and everything else was prepared by Cecelia and myself. We all ate seconds including the cat and dog. With my mother's Alzheimer's advancing, I cherish each day I have with her because it's truly a gift. I'm forever thankful for the precious moments of being with those I love especially on special holidays like Thanksgiving! I hope all of you have some fond memories of Thanksgiving, and despite the coronovirus pandemic, I hope you have a blessed Christmas season.
Responsibilities keep piling up, so much to do and sometimes not enough time to get everything done and that's why we as humans need ...

Holding down three jobs and always multi-tasking it felt so good to sit down for a few moments in the backyard the other day. I dreamed of e...
This afternoon I stopped into a Starbucks and asked for a sample of the new "Blond Roast." I was expecting just a tiny cup sample ...
After attending a lovely morning Christmas service and heart-warming community church meal I decided to take a bicycle ride through the coun...