Thursday, December 31, 2020
Goodbye to 2020 with a walk in the darkness, a visit to a lighted church, and a pot of tea on a table with some midnight cake!
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, "God Bless Us Everyone"
A CHRISMTAS CAROL (God Bless Us Everyone)
ENGLAND has many exceptional writers; one being Charles Dickens who wrote the Christmas classic, "A Christmas Carol." First published in England on December 19, 1843, (177 years ago) "A Christmas Carol" remains the most popular of Christmas stories. Every decade a new film version of "A Christmas Carol" is released and each year there are hundreds upon hundreds of stage performances of "A Christmas Carol" presented in various countries around the world.
There's so much to learn when reading or watching "A Christmas Carol," One can observe how much brighter life is when a person offers kindness towards others and helps those in need. Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserable rich man who has no respect for Christmas and its meaning but the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future teach Mr. Scrooge some valuable lessons. The ending of course is wonderful because Ebenezer Scrooge becomes a changed man and spends his remaining life sharing his good fortune with family, friends, and strangers. He gives with his soul, strength, and mind.
December is coming to a close, and soon the Christmas celebrations will be put on hold until next year, but one should not wait to share the love of Christmas, just at Christmas time. For the new year of 2021, why not take some moments each day to be grateful for what you have, and spread the joy of goodness, kindness, and love towards others. Life is not always easy and has its share of sorrows, but life is certainly more of a shining light when we have faith, hope, love, and kindness towards one another. Mr. Scrooge should inspire us all and so should sweet Tiny Tim who says God Bless Us Every One!
Friday, December 25, 2020
Cherish the Birth of Jesus Christ!
Today, the 25th of December we honor the birth of Jesus who was born long ago in Bethlehem The angel who appeared to the shepherd the night of Jesus birth around c. 5 BC, said "I bring you good news that will cause great joy for the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the LORD." Luke 2: 10-11
How much more beautiful life is when we have faith and hope. With GOD all things are possible. When we celebrate Christmas, we're not only attending church services, gifting presents, singing carols, or sharing a festive meal with friends, and family, we are honoring GOD for coming down to rescue us from darkness and deliver us from a sinful world.
Let's cherish the birth of Jesus Christ and be thankful that the savior of the world is here to guide us and draw us near to him.
Merry Christmas......Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Hail the heav'n born Prince of Peace, Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings, Ris'n with healing in His wings.
Mild he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new born King!
Sunday, December 13, 2020
The Christmas Journey
Every year in December, a church in my community called "New Hope" puts on an outdoor play, "Christmas Journey."Hundreds of people attend the weekend performances where actors are dressed in period costumes and live animals like camel, donkeys, goats, and sheep appear in the scenes. Although the coronovirus has kept me social distanced from activities I did feel led to appear in at least one performance of the CHRISTMAS JOURNEY this year. I arrived at the church at 4:30 pm to get my costume and meet some of the cast members. The pastor prayed with us and we all headed outdoors to our sets. My scene took place in Bethlehem and I portrayed one of the peasants.
For two and a half hours I acted out my part next to the darling goats, observing the visitors on the trail who were touched by the meaning of Christmas experienced through this journey. In between scenes trail angels came with hot cocoa, sandwiches, bottled water, and cookies to keep us energetic. Afterwards Pastor Rick thanked each of us for contributing to the success of 6 wonderful shows.
It's moments like these that bring purpose to life. Being surrounded by animals, bonfires, pine trees, a talented cast of actors, and a devout audience make this whole journey a true blessing. JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.
THANKSGIVING was over two weeks ago. Preparing for it and celebrating with my loved ones kept me so busy that I never got to my blog, BUT it's never too late. In fact, reflecting on that day is as vivid as just made stuffing. I was so happy to have Wednesday off so that I could cook some dishes ahead like butternut squash soup, broccoli casserole, sweet potatoes, and pecan pie. My poor Mother who has Alzheimer's can no longer cook which is sad because she was once one of the best cooks on the planet. My mother's caregiver Cecelia invited me to spend the night, so together we cooked up a few others dishes to serve for our festive meal.
On Thanksgiving Day, I spent the day at my mother's condo with Cecelia, my brother, and our pets Mila, the dog, and Sari the cat. It was all so simple and sweet. The greatest gift of course was having my Mother to share the holiday with. All of us enjoyed the bountiful delicious meal. My brother contributed the turkey and stuffing, and everything else was prepared by Cecelia and myself. We all ate seconds including the cat and dog. With my mother's Alzheimer's advancing, I cherish each day I have with her because it's truly a gift. I'm forever thankful for the precious moments of being with those I love especially on special holidays like Thanksgiving! I hope all of you have some fond memories of Thanksgiving, and despite the coronovirus pandemic, I hope you have a blessed Christmas season.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Happy Birthday to my beloved Father (Born October 2nd) "Roman George Lypeckyj"
October 2, 2020
A HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beloved father who was born on the 2nd of October. Even though it's been many years since my father has passed away, I never forget his birthday. It always holds a dear place in my heart. This morning I spent my moments in church saying a prayer for him and lighting a candle in his honor. I was truly blessed to have an awesome father who was a class act. He was a highly intelligent man who spoke several languages and worked an an economist for Ford Motor Company. My father accomplished a lot in his life and one of his greatest gifts was his devotion to my mother, brother, and myself.
TATO means father in Ukrainian and since we were Ukrainian I always called him "TATO." So in his remembrance, I would like to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TATO!
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Moments of Regret!
Life works in mysterious ways, because in late July a friend of mine who lives on the East Coast invited me to take a trip with him. He too needed a change of scenery and offered me the opportunity to travel with him. Of course I couldn't turn down the offer even though I was a bit nervous about traveling several hours on the Amtrak train because of the coronavirus.
I journeyed from Traverse City, Michigan to Toledo, Ohio, and took an overnight Amtrak train to Albany/Rensselaer to meet my friend who drove from Queens, New York. The train ride was pleasant and the train arrived right on time to Albany. I waited in the sweltering heat for my friend outside the station and about 20 minutes later he appeared.
We greeted each other and then the adventure began. It was a wonderful two weeks of exploring parts of New England and than relaxing for a few days in beautiful Schroon Lake in the Adirondacks Mountains. On the evening before my departure my friend encouraged me not to leave. "You're having so much fun and this trip is really helping you mentally. Why don't you stay another week?" I wanted to, I really wanted to but I was feeling guilty because my friend was paying for a big part of this trip and I didn't want to impose on him anymore.
I've been back home a week now, regretting everyday that I didn't stay longer. This trip was just what I needed and despite not getting a lot of sleep, eating too much unhealthy food, and having to be on constant guard of social distancing and avoiding crowded places, this vacation with my friend Frank was charming, idyllic, and magical. I miss the sun rising early in the morning, I miss our drives along the Atlantic Ocean, and eating seafood, I miss swimming in the lakes and kayaking, I miss eating ice cream cones and s'mores. I miss the bonfire and exchanging friendly conversations with incredibly amazing people. I miss the mountains, and the farms, I miss the beautiful scenery and the carefree moments of being on a vacation. I miss the marvelous places we stayed at, and not having much responsibility.
REGRETS, are part of life. What I learned from this experience is that when you are blessed with such a splendid time in life that brings happiness, why hurry to leave it behind? I had so many unpleasant things happen to me before this vacation that taking this vacation and embracing it was what mattered.What a blessing this vacation was. It was like a miracle from the LORD to be granted such a lovely two weeks with a generous and thoughtful friend.
Oh, if only I could turn the clock back. Knowing what I do now, I would have been wise to accept Frank's offer to stay an extra week and embrace it with gratitude. However, I made the choice to leave and now I cannot turn back BUT I can hold on to the precious moments of this exhilarating trip that I'll forever cherish. I'm also glad that I was able to do acts of kindness for Frank too, and help contribute to the expenses of the trip.
I HOPE all of you get a well deserved break from life's responsibilities and can enjoy a FABULOUS vacation somewhere, sometime and most importantly not have any REGRETS!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
I Will Punish Myself for my Stupidity
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Luck of the Delicious Michigan Mint Chocolates
The other day I was in a shop in Northport and they had a huge glass bowl of Hanover's chocolates which are now available in cherry flavors in addition to the mint flavors. Of course I bought a handful of them and ate the of them by the next afternoon.
I love lucky days, like yesterday. I wanted more of those Michigan Mint Chocolates. Turns out that I had the privilege of spending part of the day with my Mother and on my way to visit her, I stopped at a shop in downtown Traverse City to get a treat and when I walked over to the register, there sitting on the counter was a package of my beloved Hanover's Michigan Mint Dark Chocolates. It was the last package in the entire store and the package of 9 chocolates was reduced to only $2.00. Now that's what I call a stroke of good luck.
Isn't it terrific to have a treat on hand to brighten your day? How about fresh picked blueberries, chocolate covered strawberries or an ice cream cone? Maybe a slice of pizza? A buttery flakey croissant or a piece of decadent cake? Thank goodness for the pleasures of food to get us through the stressful times of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Today, do yourself a favor and treat yourself to something you really like to eat and enjoy moments of indulgence.
Treat yourself to something you like eating and enjoy moments of indulgence!
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Death can Come at Any Time
Yesterday, I got unpleasant news from my brother that our cousin was found dead by his sister at his home. I was shocked beyond belief to hear this devastating news. Although my cousin and I didn't keep in touch these past few years I was always fond of hime. He was down to earth, intelligent, wise, and had the best sense of humor of anyone I ever knew.
Life is fragile, we don't know when our last breath will take place. I will always remember my cousin as a person who could brighten any room he walked into. He had the gift of putting a smile on people's facing, including my brother who rarely smiles. In fact my cousin and I joked often about how he really was the only person that could make my brother show his teeth and make him laugh.
Enjoy every moment of life. We're only here on this earth for a certain time and than we must die. Death is something we must all face someday, so appreciate the gifts of life.
A Year of Anxiety (THIS TOO, SHALL PASS)
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Oatmeal Cookies under a Shaded Tree in NORTHPORT
Although it was HOT yesterday I enjoyed every moment I had in this idyllic village with its lakes, ponds, streams, and waterfalls. Oh, how I longed to lay in a hammock under a tree, or sit on somebody's wraparound porch and drink some ice tea, but that wasn't possible.
However as luck would have it I did get to visit my favorite market for fruits, vegetables, and the best cookies around. The place is called"Bells of Christmas" and no matter what time of year you visit there's a feeling of "being home" here.
I bought a bag of the homemade oatmeal raisin cookies (the best ever) and asked the owner if I could sit near the garden. "Yes, and take your time," he replied. I took my time alright. For one hour I sat under a shaded tree in an Adirondack chair and ate one oatmeal cookie after another until there was only one left. What a treat. So in love with those cookies was I that I went back into the store to buy more. There were chocolate chip, peanut butter chocolate chip, molasses , and oatmeal raisin.
Guess which ones I picked?
In the summer there's nothing more peaceful than sitting under a tree on a peaceful farm and taking in the serenity of nature. It's even better with some cookies. Enjoy yourself this summer, buy some cookies or make your own and have a little picnic under the shaded trees. JULY, the highlight month of summer.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
The Worst of Times may be here but GRATITUDE is still important!
GRATUTDE is what to strive for during these uncertain times because no matter how tough times are there's something to be thankful for. I have a few examples below.
I'm thankful for the air I breathe.
I'm thankful for my senses.
I'm thankful for the sun.
I'm thankful for family and friends.
I'm thankful for a bed to sleep on.
I'm thankful for the birds and the trees.
I'm thankful for shelter.
I'm thankful for food.
I'm thankful that I can walk.
It's amazing how in one given day I hear about a single parent starving themselves on very limited income so they can feed their child. This parent is full of humility and grateful that they have a child and they go beyond and above to provide for that only child so that the child doesn't go hungry. On the other side of the coin is an entitled couple who walks around with their heads up high. They have high paying jobs during the pandemic,, healthy children, and own three properties, yet they have no consideration of others.They have loud barbecues on the complex, play different outdoor games and their spoiled children scream throughout the day and demand that they want this and that right now. This family can make noise, and disturb others on the property but if anybody else makes a slight noise in the condo complex this couple will reprimand them for making noise. Time for some ego deflation folks. It's not fair that you have it so good.
Yes, life isn't fair. The world will always have their HAVE'S and HAVE NOT'S. It's a mystery why one person lives a rather charmed life while another has tragedy and setbacks consistently. There's no answer to this puzzle. People say "life is what you make it." but it's funny that this statement often comes from those that have it pretty darn good.
It doesn't matter how hard one works. I was a devoted employee at my company, rarely requesting time off and always showing up and going beyond my call of duty. Others took extended vacations, refused to work certain days, and slacked off on the job and they're the ones who got the glorious appreciation from management and they're getting their unemployment benefits without a hitch while mine has been on stop payment for weeks.
I haven't been able to enjoy my car because my supposed boyfriend is always driving it. He leaves me stranded and claims that since I have asthma I shouldn't be around people due to the spreading of coronavirus. How ridiculous. Instead I've been relying on the bus and my bicycle to get me around and now I have an aching STYE in my good eye which has been painful and bothersome for five days. I'm tiered of being unemployed especially with no income.
Well, everything happens for a reason. I think SETBACKS are good. In fact I think every human being should have setbacks because we need more humble people in this world and less entitled people. If only there were more people with HUMILITY on this earth. LIFE is a roller coaster of up's and down's so those that are riding high, enjoy because what goes up must come down. That's just how life works for everyone, even multi millionaires.
WISHING EVERYONE ALL THE BEST DURING THESE BIZARRE TIMES! I personally think it's an awful time in life and that the only healing thing is NATURE. THANK GOD for NATURE.
I want to be like the birds who roam freely and enjoy MOTHER EARTH. They don't worry too much about where they'll find food and shelter and GOD takes care of them.
No matter if it's the best of times or the worst of times, there's always something to be thankful for.GRATITUDE is so important right now. GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE Ignore the entitled and selfish folks and focus on the good in life. I BELIEVE that some day those that have little will be given more and those that have too much and boast will be given less.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
The Piano
Oh, how good it felt to run my fingers across the keyboard and play all my favorite music on the piano. I even had a small audience. Now, whenever I'm yearning to practice the piano, my friends at the church tell me I can practice anytime and that's exactly what I do. Now that's an answer to a prayer!
Is there something you yearn to do when you have plenty of moments in your life?
Monday, June 22, 2020
Pizza, Seagulls, and Me
Friday, June 12, 2020
Birthdays come once a year!
I woke up this morning, realizing it was my Birthday. It's always hard to be a year older, unless you're turning 21. The one thing I'll be doing today is showing gratitude for what I do have; I'm grateful for the air I breathe, for my senses, for shelter, food, and water, for nature, friends, and my Mother. It doesn't take long to grow a list of things to be thankful for. Cake, that's another thing to be thankful for. A piece of delicious cake on a warm Spring day. Birthday's come but once a year so I think I'll celebrate my day today and savor all the moments of another day of life.
When life brings you lemons, have a picnic
I myself feel much better when I'm in nature. This morning I was up early and sitting near the water reading "The Game of Life and How to Play It" and "Keep Calm and Trust God." In those few minutes of serenity, I came across birds, ducks, and seagulls. Their love of nature and appreciating what they have really brightened my soul. These creatures seem to be content despite obstacles.
I happened to bring along a small basket of food for a morning picnic. As I enjoyed my sandwich, I took some extra bread I had brought along to share with my friends (birds, and ducks) They were grateful and I was grateful, and I realized how something as simple as a small picnic can make all the difference in the world.
So when life brings you lemons, have a picnic.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Honoring the Canadian Geese
It makes sense that Canadian Geese flock to a place I live called"The Shores" condo complex located on Lake Michigan Bay. They have a large bay, with connecting creek's and it's the perfect spot to bring baby goslings into the world. Water, water, everywhere and those geese love it. There's only one challenge. Geese aren't fond of human beings so everyday I have to alter and adapt to staying out of their way or else I'll get a big scream from them and even a few bites. I'm so scared of Canadian geese these days that I do everything in my power to be at least 200 yards away from them.
The other day I was heading to my favorite spot to sit and do some reading. Guess who was there? The Canadian I had to find another area to sit and read. No problem, but minutes later they decided to navigate towards where I was sitting and I had to move as not to upset them.Everyday, I have to revolve the way I maneuver through the grounds as not to get in their way. It's always refreshing when the ducks and seagulls appear because they're gentle waterfowl creatures and they appreciate any treats I might offer them. I wouldn't do that with the Canadian geese because I try to stay at least 300 feet from them as not to get harmed.
Am I crazy for having a fear of Canadian geese? No, I don't like to have moments of anxiety and stress, so I avoid them at all costs. In fact "You Tube" has quite a few uploads of people's encounters with geese and some of them aren't pleasant to look at.
Yes, Canadian geese are GOD'S creatures and they deserve to enjoy life like all animals and waterfowl, so I have no choice but to honor them and respect their privacy and keep my distance.As if social distancing from humans hasn't been enough, now I'm social distancing from Canadian geese. But....thanks to ducks and seagulls that also flock here, I'm forever grateful because they're much more gentle and appreciative of human beings.
Hello Canadian Geese.....can you hear me? Please try to be nicer. I have no intention of harming you or your precious babies, please try to share the grounds here at "The Shores" with dignity.
Nature brings us precious moments but beware of those Canadian Geese!
I shall continue to honor and respect GEESE!
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Tea & Scones
Just made myself some tea and sat outdoors to sip on tea and eat a homemade vegan blueberry scone. It's simple pleasures like this that make the day brighter. Stay strong, stay positive, BE WELL!
Take time for simple pleasure!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Lost in Minneapolis
As soon as I boarded the bus, the adventure began. I immediately met some interesting people to talk to and they shared all kinds of stories with me on the bus trip. One man I met was flying out of Chicago to spend several months living in someone's backyard in Hawaii. He was grateful to me for recommending a hostel near the bus stop in Chicago and both of us shared an UBER to the hostel. At the hostel I met an inspirational woman who despite being homeless several times was full of strength and wisdom. I hope she wins a million dollar lottery someday.
My day in Chicago was fun-filled and that evening I was back at the bus station to take the overnight bus to Minneapolis. Every seat was taken on the bus and I couldn't have met a kinder person to sit next to than a chef named William. It was a 7 hour bus ride and I hardly got any sleep until about an hour into Minneapolis when I managed to fall asleep for just a few short minutes and screamed from a nightmare.
At 6:00 am the bus arrived in downtown Minneapolis and I was pleased that the darkness suddenly turned into light. I had no idea where I was headed when I left the station but I trusted my instincts and walked through the theater district which led me to Nicollet Mall (one of the best streets in downtown Minneapolis). All of a sudden I saw a familiar figure on the street, a statue of associate television producer Mary Richards, the famous fictional character of the "Mary Tyler Moore" television show that was set in Minneapolis. I now felt at home and couldn't wait to explore all that Minneapolis had to offer. I packed a lot of activities from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm from walking the skywalks to seeing the original Pillsbury Company flour mill on the Mississippi River. I made it to the Mall of America and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, ate at a delicious all you can eat Indian buffet at Bombay Palace, and indulged in delectable chocolates at CandyLand.
Minneapolis sits on the Mississippi River
It was nearing 3:00 pm and suddenly all seemed to go wrong, my phone was dead, my charger wasn't working, and I couldn't find 300 Clifton, the address of my Airbnb. I was lost and hopeless until I walked into a Starbucks on Franklin Avenue. A kind male barista at Starbucks heard my dilemma and gave me the good news,"You're very close to 300 Clifton, and I'll guide you in the right direction." Fifteen minutes later I finally made it up the steps of the beautiful home and was greeted by Katie. She showed me around the elegant home, offered me some water, and gave me her spare phone charger to keep for good. I felt like I was on the set of "Downton Abbey," a popular British television show.
The exquisite dining room at 300 Clifton
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Angie, Chocolate Muffins, and Coffee!
It's a lovely feeling to be thought of when you're feeling unimportant. It can be the smallest of things but that smallest of things can do wonders.
A big thank you to Angie who fills in as a manager
on Mondays, when our manager Andra is off. I woke
up Monday to one of those days where one thing after another
seemed to be going wrong. I was getting criticism from family
and friends, and nobody seemed to be on my side.
Then....I arrived to work and there was sweet Angie with a container
of just made chocolate muffins. "Help yourself to a chocolate muffin,"
she said as I was settling in to do my tasks. I took a bite of the decadent
chocolate muffin and couldn't wait to eat more. "Would you like a cup
of coffee with your muffin? asked Angie as she looked through a box of
"Yes, please," I replied. Three minutes later Angie handed me a cup of
coffee as I indulged in the chocolate muffin. I should have been working but
Angie treated me like I was a special guest instead of an employee and it felt
W O N D E R F U L.
Unimportant folks like myself aren't use to getting much royal treatment at work but Angie certainly made me feel important on that Monday. I thanked Angie and let her know just how much she made my day.
It doesn't take much to be kind. Any small act of kindness is certainly appreciated.
Let's have gratitude for the simple things in life and be kind to others!
Monday, January 13, 2020
99% of Success is just showing up!
When I took my break this afternoon at work I sat at the piano and quietly played some classical and contemporary music.One of my co-workers heard me as she walked by and yelled out "I'm impressed, keep playing and don't shy away." She came over to the electronic piano and put the volume up so that I could be heard. I was a bit embarrassed but to my surprise others gathered near the piano and listened to me and encouraged me to keep playing.
Sometimes when we're in the dumps and feel worthless all it takes is one person to make a difference. I'm forever grateful to "BIZ" my co-worker who also plays the piano for giving me some recognition this afternoon in front of other people especially since I started the day feeling so discouraged with myself.
It's true, 99% of success is just showing up because you never know what's waiting for you. So just show up!
Friday, January 10, 2020
Tomorrow is another Day!
Some days might be wonderful, others not so much, and
some might be down right miserable.
Life with it's rollercoaster ride gives us seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, months, to try to do the best and be the best we can despite the obstacles and challenges. Some of us have more opportunities than others, more successes than others, better health than others BUT there's usually something to be grateful for.
Whatever your dreams or desires, whatever your goals, whatever you yearn for or which to accomplish, may 2020 bring you the best
things that life has to offer!
HAPPY 2020!
This year try to keep a journal and write a paragraph or two about
the day you had or wish to have. Everyday write down something
that you are thankful for; seeing the sun rise in the morning, being able
to quench your thirst with pure water, having the gifts of sight, hearing,
feeling, touching, tasting.....and remember there's always something to be
thankful for whether your day is bright or not.
Responsibilities keep piling up, so much to do and sometimes not enough time to get everything done and that's why we as humans need ...

Holding down three jobs and always multi-tasking it felt so good to sit down for a few moments in the backyard the other day. I dreamed of e...
This afternoon I stopped into a Starbucks and asked for a sample of the new "Blond Roast." I was expecting just a tiny cup sample ...
After attending a lovely morning Christmas service and heart-warming community church meal I decided to take a bicycle ride through the coun...