Monday, June 20, 2022

Moments Honoring Amie, a Terrific Person Who Recently Died!

May 28th, Saturday....this is the last day that I saw my colleague and friend AMIE. She came to work that day cheerful and kind. I was managing that day and Amie's day was short as she only had to come in for a few hours to give the sales advisors their breaks. I was supposed to give Amie a belated Birthday present that day and I forgot to bring it in. I NEVER thought it would be the last time I'd see AMIE. Two days later Amie's husband Ron called to say that AMIE was in the hospital. Two days after that Amie's husband Ron came in person to the business to let our event manager know that AMIE had passed away. When I first heard the news I was in shock, then in denial, then depressed. One and half years earlier I had written a story about AMIE because I found her to be so inspiring and such a storyteller. One month earlier AMIE and I had run into each other at the local supermarket. We stopped at a resale shop to look at clothes and afterwards she drove me home with her adorable dog Charlie in the backseat. She was such a fun gal.

AMIE'S death was due to a health issue. I had a talk with Ron (Amie's ) husband a few days after AMIE'S death and we reflected on AMIE and her life. Ron said to me "Enjoy life, for we are all on borrowed time." How true that is. As stressful as life can get it's important to cherish our gift of life and not take anything for granted. Poor Ron will miss his wife AMIE, they were married 30 years. AMIE was entertaining, talented, full of wisdom and so much more. She was a professional hair stylist, a fashion designer, a great baker and golfer, she was creative and always intuitive and knowledgeable about many topics. RIP beautiful AMIE, you were a terrific woman!


I couldn't get AMIE out of my mind for several days. I remember when AMIE wore pink sneakers to work. They were such attractive shoes and AMIE said they were super comfortable. She always wore those pink sneakers to work. Shortly after her death I yearned for one last connection with AMIE and I got it. I was shopping at TJ MAXX and something led me to the shoe aisle. On the clearance rack for only $15.00 were a pair of pink sneakers similar to the ones AMIE wore in my size which usually doesn't happen on a clearance rack. I bought them as a way to honor AMIE and let me tell you those shoes are so comfortable and whenever I wear them I'm grateful for the honor of knowing AMIE.

CHERISH the people in your life for they might not be here tomorrow! LIFE is full of moments, treasure them!

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